Sophia Flowers - Templestowe Lower Florist
Templestowe Lower Florist
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Gift Hampers

"Coffee and Chocolates Gifts Basket"
"Coffee and Chocolates Gifts Basket"
Coffee and Chocolates Gift Basket GH40


Coffee and Chocolates Gift Basket. An assortment of premium kinds of chocolate and coffee in a box/basket/hamper.




Coffee and Chocolates Basket. An assortment of premium kinds of chocolate and coffee in a basket.

Store Pick Up can be arranged 7 days a week.

Melbourne Metro Delivery: $16.50
Delivery before 11am: $27.50
Delivery before 9am: $38.50
Greater Melbourne delivery : $49.50
Delivery on on Valentines Day & Mothers day: $27.50
Delivery on Sundays & Public Holidays : $38.50