Sophia Flowers - Templestowe Lower Florist
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R9 Peony Roses in Glass Vase
Peony Roses in Glass Vase
R9 Peony Roses in Glass Vase


R9 Send Peony Roses in Glass Vase.  Let these lovely beauties enthrall. Enchanted by its subtle fragrance. Melbourne Peony Roses comes out in abundance in spring from Late October to early December. The Peony Roses for the rest of the year are imported and are available for preorders.  Send a nice bunch of Peony Roses today!


Small  3 Stems

Medium 4 Stems

Large 5 Stems

Impressive 8 Stems


Peony Roses in Glass Vase.  Peony Roses are truly the most wondrous gift from mother nature.  Watch them grow from tight round buds to full blossoms with its soft delicate fragrance.  Local Peony Roses comes out in abundance in spring from October to early December. Peony Roses are available throughout the year. Please pre order and send some of these lovely Peony Roses today!


Small  3 Stems

Medium 4 Stems

Large 5 Stems

Impressive 8 Stems

Spring Peony Roses are available now!