Sophia Flowers - Templestowe Lower Florist
Templestowe Lower Florist
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Tulip Plants
P65 Tulip Flowering Plants


P65 Tulip Flowering Plants gift wrapped for Tulip lovers. Watch them grow from tiny flowering bulbs to open blooms.  Love them!

Small 1 Plant

Medium 3 Plants As Pictured.

Large 3 Plants

Impressive 4 Plants



Tulip Plants are available from June to August.  Bulk Order can be arranged in other months.

Store Pick Up can be arranged 7 days a week.

Melbourne Metro Delivery: $16.50
Delivery before 11am/Specific Time: $27.50
Delivery before 9am: $38.50
Greater Melbourne delivery : $49.50
Valentines & Mothers day: $27.50
Delivery on Sundays & Public Holidays : $38.50

Any Questions? Text Anytime to +61 402 240 235