Sophia Flowers - Templestowe Lower Florist
Templestowe Lower Florist
100% satisfaction
same day
flower delivery
multiple orders
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Anniversary Flowers Order Anniversary Flowers – Anniversary is that time of the year for appreciation of loved ones, a time of reflecting with fondness of beautiful memories on a day that has passed, but truly treasured forever. Make someone feel special with beautiful Anniversary Flowers that shows sensitivity, care and tender loving. Creating Anniversary Flowers is always a pleasure -Romantic and adorable floral creations in each order, we are a partner in Love! Dozen Roses in Long Box, Red Roses with Oriental Lilies, White Roses, Bright Flower Arrangements, with added Chocolates, Helium Balloons, Wine or take it up one level, French Champagne, Rainbow Roses or 100 Roses. Say Happy Anniversary and I Love You with Flowers Now!
Florist Same Day Delivery Service
Florist Same Day Delivery Service
Funeral Flowers Delivered
Hospital Flowers Delivery
Flowers Gift Baskets
Melbourne Wedding Florist


Fresh & Silk Flowers, Plants  delivered to homes, retail shops, offices, churches,  all funeral homes (Le Pine Box Hill, Le Pine Glen Waverley, Le Pine Ivanhoe, Le Pine, Kew EastLe Pine Camberwell, Le Pine, Croydon, Tobin Brothers Doncaster), Botanical Gardens, cemeteries, aged care homes and hospitals across Melbourne.

Same Day Flowers Melbourne Flower Delivery Areas : Melbourne CBD, Melbourne Inner City Areas, East Melbourne, North Melbourne, Flemington, Carlton, South Melbourne, South Yarra, Richmond, South East Melbourne, all Eastern Suburbs of Kew, Camberwell, Balwyn, Doncaster, Templestowe, Blackburn, Forest Hill, Viewbank, Greensborough, Rosanna, Heidelberg, Ivanhoe and surrounding areas.

We have started delivering to Ballarat, Geelong and Surrounding suburbs past Westgate Bridge and Western Highway in 2018.  Areas include Ballarat, Bacchus Marsh, Ballan, Mt Helen, Brown Hill, Wendouree, Sebastopol, Mt Clear, Bunninyong, Redan, Alfredton and surrounds.

Order by 2pm for same day flower deliveries 7 days a week.  Orders after 2pm can be arranged with late delivery charge or for standard delivery the next day. Please specify the date of delivery and any specific request on comments box upon check out.

Flowers are seasonal. We reserve our right to substitute flowers or vase due to unavailability on the day but always keeping the optimum in freshness and design appeal.