Sophia Flowers - Templestowe Lower Florist
Templestowe Lower Florist
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R25 Red Roses and Hot Pink Roses


Roses 22 Red Roses and Hot Pink Roses Bouquet embellished with a glittery butterfly. Send this round cluster bouquet of roses to express your love and affection.  Same Day Delivery Service.


Small – 6 Red and 6 Pink Roses

Medium – 10 Red and 10 Pink Roses

Large – 12 Red and 12 Pink Roses

Impressive – 24 Red and 24 Pink Roses


Red Roses and Hot Pink Roses Bouquet embellished with a glittery butterfly.  Send this round cluster bouquet of roses to express your love and affection.  Same Day Delivery Service.


Small – 6 Red and 6 Pink Roses

Medium – 10 Red and 10 Pink Roses

Large – 12 Red and 12 Pink Roses

Impressive – 24 Red and 24 Pink Roses

Store pick up from 7am till late – Time can be arranged.
Melbourne Metro (within 25km radius GPO) Delivery: $16.50
Delivery before 11am: $27.50
Delivery before 9am: $38.50
Greater Melbourne delivery outside 25km radius from GPO: $38.50
Delivery on Mothers day: $38.50
Delivery on Valentines Day: $38.50
Delivery on Public Holidays: $38.50