Sophia Flowers - Templestowe Lower Florist
Templestowe Lower Florist
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"black roses"
Black Roses in Long BoxSingle Black Rose"black roses""black roses"
Black Roses R5


R5 Black Roses in a Bouquet or delivered in a Long Box (Click on Long Box to add Extra $27.50).  Make your floral gift stand out by sending uniquely coloured Large Bloom Colombian Black Roses. Why not add additional gifts to make them extra special.  Make your romantic statement now!

Small – 1 Black Rose in long rose box

Medium – 3 Black Roses bouquet

Large – 6 Black Roses bouquet

Impressive – 12 Black Roses bouquet

P/S All black roses are real roses dyed black.

Each black rose is wrapped with tissues for maintaining their shape and durability.


Send black roses in a bouquet or in a long rose box.  Delight someone today with these exquisite black roses.  They are amazingly different floral gift.  Give these black roses for a Wow factor.


Small – 1 Black Rose in long rose box

Medium – 3 Black Roses bouquet

Large – 6 Black Roses bouquet

Impressive – 12 Black Roses bouquet.

P/S All black roses are real roses dyed black.

Each black rose is wrapped with tissues for maintaining their shape and durability.


Small – 1 Black Rose in long rose box

Medium – 3 Black Roses bouquet

Large – 6 Black Roses bouquet

Impressive – 12 Black Roses bouquet