Sophia Flowers - Templestowe Lower Florist
Templestowe Lower Florist
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Designer Flowers

Bright Flowers
Designer Multi Coloured Flowers in Glass Vase D29


Send vases of flowers to create an atmosphere of opulence, adornment for a special occasion and really so they can post it on Instagram! Max the occasion w⁷ith colourful, rainbow roses, chrysanthemum Disbuds, tulips, roses, lilies and native flowers and green foliages. Set the bar high with this trendy, bringing the outdoors in,  mood setting and fine detailing the occasion with these vibrant flowers.

One vase of flowers only in order – picture shows two for samples. Flowers availability depends on seasonal changes.


We love to create a designer range of textured flowers, colours and assorted varieties delivered in a glass vase.  Send this ‘wow’ factor now!

7 days a week of delivery. Flowers pick up from store can be arranged throughout the day. From early in the morning 7am until late at night. Order online anytime!